10.txt [the 8 classifications of a resident or citizen] A hacker knows appropriate paranoia, and a hacker in the USA usually has a constantly evolving mental database of what they hate about the US Government, what can be done to fix it, and many hackers oppose the dominion of the US media and/or Gov't. Die-hard hackers not only exercise their right to be paranoid, but dream of the off-grid life: living in a community with friends and family, with enough liquid assets to supply the appetite for technology -- removing the Gov't from the equation by providing their own communal social security. That is the only absolutely legitimate form of social security -- where a human could not be criminalized or prejudged by profile and the false court of public opinion that currently is dictated by money-driven medias; but permitted to be what they want to be for their own purposes. It's not realistic to believe that a hacker, their friends, and their family could all simultaneously liquidate their assets and move off to a cheaper, more habitable locale and create a functional autonomous zone. Or, better yet, they could become a legitimate village; one recognized by the government that functions in trade locally. In fact, if it happened on a massive enough scale, the entire defection would, in all probability, be regarded as a conspiratory terrorist act meant to send the Dominion's economy into a downspin. You could get the US Military on your case in a hurry doing something like this. If people think immigration is a problem, and mass migration out of the US is such a potential threat to national security, maybe the public will start to ask more questions about exactly why social security exists and start securing their lives. The constitution of our country and most corporations in the world are tribal. The chief is the head of power, but most decisions are made by the council. North American tribes encountered by the noble forefathers of our country saw it at work: The Chief was elected by all the adult women in the tribe by unanimous agreement. If the Chief ever failed them, they would be banished from the tribe, and all the other tribes would quickly find out, so the former Chief would die a slow, lonely death with no one to hunt with and only his warrior instincts to keep him going. Though physical death was not necessarily imminent, the shame of excommunication from tribal civ- ilization is so great that Chiefs "died with honor before allowing them- selves to ever be seen as a coward or a failure to their people." As our country casually adjusts from capitalism to a self-policing totalitarian socialist empire, as the great conspiracy theorists lead us to believe, some think it inevitable that innocent hobbyists will be illegally imprisoned and unjustly treated to reinforce the mechanisms in the exec- utive branch as a citizen enters the judicial system. Not satisfactory. What happens to a civilian without awareness of their environment, suffering from temporary acute amnesia? Obstruction of Justice, if you don't know or comprehend your right to an attorney, and are later observed to know the information and are accused before being asked to cooperate. Any cybercriminologist should be prepared, but what about those innocent hobbyists making fireworks or surveillance equipment or restoring antique weapons -- who don't understand the regulation of deadly weapons, or, worse yet: what happens to the people who abuse the safeguards in place for victims of identity theft? It makes it harder and harder for the innocent civilians to live secure lives, because the reinforcement of security in the social system of the US is all hardwired down to identity. It is obvious that we are identified when we are born and we depend on it to operate in society for the rest of our lives. We're automatically given social security numbers by the great record keepers. The conspiracy theorists lead us to believe as we go through life, we set off little flags in some great mysterious database with certain activity linked to our identities. Films like Enemy of the State or Changing Lanes make it seem as though any clever hacker should be able to tunnel through credit data- bases and flip these switches or manipulate these records.. but that's not reality. In reality, credit bureaus are privatized and seperate from the government with auditing systems in place to make sure that data isn't violated. If only everyone weren't so careless with their identities. You never know who can memorize your ID number while seemingly looking for a chapstick in your desk or bag. You never know what they could do with it if they had it. So back to the fantasy of living outside of the system - an F U to the bureaucrats that want us to pay taxes on our income - it's not easy, but it's no huge hurdle either. First, you need to see where you fall in the eye of the system. Tribal Classification An individual's state of nationality. 1. Commoner - Traditional semi-patriotic acceptance of the Democratic Nation of the United States of America. With SSN & ID. 2. Naturalized Citizen - A person who has purposefully relinquished citizenship to their birth country in favor of the US; or a person who has made a formal testament to gain citizenship by swearing loyalty to the US Government. With or without SSN; must have ID. 3. Dissident Citizen - A US resident with a SSN that openly opposes the state of government or society. 4. Orphan or Sovereign - A person that exists in the system with or without social security: a. Is a natural born citizen who is a valid legal person in a US state or posession. b. Does not have identification but obliges with procedures to be identified. 5. A nonperson - One who has no ID and lives their lifespan with no social security. 6. An unauthorized immigrant - One who was born outside of US territory and enters illegally with or without valid ID. 7. A defector - A nonperson who has purposely terminated their ID and does not use the social security system or has had their SSN terminated. 8. An employee of the US Military. It is important to see where you fall, because you should know how you are profiled for you own safety. The first two categories have the most political relevance and power. A category 3 citizen usually doesn't even show up at the polls, so by and large, they are mostly ignored. The government usually doesn't spend any resources on categories 5 and 7 because they either never exist in the eye of the government or are best left alone. However, if you are careless in the process of terminating your identity, you can rouse a lot of people suspicions and get yourself stuck in an unwarranted profile real quickly, as a drug trafficker or money launderer or otherwise criminal person. It is difficult to go off-grid without careful planning because people instinctively will think you are trying to cover up something rather than protect yourself. If you are a victim of identity theft so terrible that your credit record is utterly destroyed, you can terminate your SSN and get a new one. But you can only do this once whether or not you die. Two SSN's per ID, forever and ever. The government does not like to think identities are disposable or exchangable, but all recordings are subject to interference. Send corrections to