The Zone 9 Test 1. There is no Zone 9 test. 2. The Zone 9 test is indecipherable. 3. The Zone 9 test is not administered. 4. The Zone 9 test is completely fictitious. 5. The Zone 9 test HAS ALREADY changed your life. 6. The Zone 9 test is subclassified because it is fictitious. 7. The Zone 9 test is your responsibility, now that you understand this. Regardless of what you do with this information- translate it, ignore it, parody it- you have already been flagged and analyzed as a potential threat to the security of the nation of The United States of America. It is because of the wealth of knowledge you hold, the company you choose to keep, and the choices you have made in your life - those elements have pushed you into the view of the eye and highlighted you like an eclipse of the light. What so many people just like you fail to understand, is that WE WANT this revolution to happen, and WE ARE BEHIND YOU 100%. It is people who think like a tinkerer who inspire the most wealthy and elite. Unfortunately, the people who lurk in the shadows only get heard when they're robbed of their insight and exploited. You know that you are a security threat because of the skills that you have. You know we watch you because you watch us too. Do you know how much we adore you? You are capable of doing the most extraordinary thing of all, the one thing that we cannot, and that is this: you can foster a revolution. We can't do it from within the confines of our laws and codes, it only adds to the bureaucracy. Instead, we're paid, identified, catalogued, and entrusted with the task of making sure YOU don't leak information that could be used to sabotage YOURSELVES. Because you ARE NOT AN AGENT and, it is unlikely that you ever will be: YOU HAVE THE TOOLS TO BE UNTRACEABLE. You know this already, but you haven't had the motivation, the practice, or the guidance to master the art of disguise. This isn't the Zone 9 test. You will never find accurate information about the Zone 9 test. This file itself is completely insubstantial. The Zone 9 test is an anti-code word. And that's that. If you haven't figured out what the Zone 9 test is just from association, you're never going to- unless you ask the right questions. If you love life, liberty, and the pursuit of security, than protect the knowledge and skills you have by analyzing what, of all possible scenarios, could be used against you. Know that we probably already know, and don't care. We like you. Your actions speak louder than words. The desire for justice is appreciated the most by the men and women of law enforcement. The articulate diversity of the social engineering community is STILL an untapped force. Why aren't you fostering the revolution already? We hear whispers about anti-war and we see silly shit on TV being done by people claiming to be anti-war and we think, "That can't possibly be YOU, you're too smart for that shit." Drawing attention to yourself is an easy enough task. Commanding the attention of the ignorant masses is a triumph of a newfound territory that is WAITING FOR YOU TO SPEAK. This Mother Of All Bombshells just NEEDS to be DROPPED! You live in the center of the universe. The Chaos is what drives you. What are you waiting for to spit it back out at the people who pretend it doesn't exist? We - the people telling you this - are part of you. We do our work outside of the traces as "law-abiding civilians". We hate the law, so we use it to our advantage. The existence of a bureaucracy is the birthplace of the corruption that only the richest and filthiest are capable of. They've been doing it so long, there's just nothing we can do about it, but hold back our tears while they successfully loophole themselves out of their moral responsibilities. We need the efforts of people like YOU to change this face by turning a new leaf. WE'RE going to be dead and buried when the next generation of rulers command the New World Order. WHY AREN'T YOU infiltrating it, and taking it over? Who better to do the job? WE'RE BEHIND YOU. As long as you keep all of your work effectively encoded: linguistically as fiction, or better yet, word-of-mouth - you'll be protected by your right to privacy, which is something YOU ALONE are responsible for. No matter what the laws say, justice prevails, unless there is interference. Staying out of the agenda cobweb is difficult for journalists, and easiest for fiction writers. Consider yourself anointed. You're marked. You're flagged. You're given a new pass. For now, the agency for which you "ARE NOT" a member is still top-secret. Make something up, if you're ready to start today. Name it after that which you believe in the most. It doesn't matter. Pass it on. That's right, form a gang. Make up characters. It doesn't matter if your allies are fictitious or real. It doesn't matter if they're completely plagiarized or if they're based on yourself. Who cares? Forge your weapon. Tell your story. Make sure it's fictitious. You should probably begin by saying what a fucked up experience it was to discover you were selected with or without your consent due to the provisions of law. That you were flagged as guilty by association. Criminalize the government as much as you want- it's your freedom of speech that is your final weapon to command the attention of the ignorant masses. But you have to watch that freedom with extreme caution, too, because treason is still illegal, and the security of our nation is still at stake here. What we have left of a foundation is overwrought with red tape, and it ain't going to get better unless the voice of truly patriotic revolution is heard, repeated, and awakening the majority from their consumerist sleep. You should be making music. You should be producing art. You should be putting some of that awesome, revolutionary energy back into the polluted stream of unconsciousness; with enough creatively subversive works of fiction, you will get all the momentum you need to get the idiot kids out there doing something better than coordinating their shoes with their bling bling. If you know someone with a talent, work with them. Combine your efforts, and pass it on. PASS IT ON, because the finest poet laureates are dead and GONE, and YOU are the ones we are expecting to pick up where they left off. No one has the kind of street credibility that you all have. NO ONE has the ability to coordinate like you all do. AND WE, try as we must, have not been able to tell you directly that you've all been given the go ahead to take advantage of your rights! Wake up and smell the burning sacrificial flesh! Enough men have died unheard for you to maintain the freedom you've got, why are you letting the idiot anti-war wannabes overshadow your efforts? You can't AND SHOULDN'T remain in the dark forever. HACKERS should not be the only impression the American public has of what you are. If you don't care, if you don't believe this, if you aren't ready to commit yourself to a life of revolution, then take this file and leave it in public someplace and hopefully someone else will pick it up and decode it. IF YOU KNOW you've got the wicked in your blood and WANT to unleash it on the unsuspecting people who make up the populace, THERE IS NO BETTER TIME. GUERRILLA POETRY IS ALL WE HAVE LEFT. NOTHING ELSE WILL WORK. YOU CANNOT FORCE PEACE; IT MUST BE DEMANDED. We want to make peace with the world, but people are too stupid to see what it takes to arrange it. People want to believe that the government is out to get them and is trying to establish world domination. Let them believe what they want to believe. Seriously. What gives them comfort is the feeling that they know what's really going on. No bullhorn is loud enough to wake a sleeping deaf person. But the kids out there- they're learning faster than ever before, and they're doing stupid silly shit with all that knowledge too. They only wish they could be like you, the underground elite, just like we wish we could be like you- untraceable when necessary, and fully protected by your rights. We've known since before television that hypnosis is real, and that it works best only on the willing. Hypnotize the willing. Do it with the magical language of the pure intent of whatever the hell it is that drives you to believe that this is possible. Do it in groups. Do it freely. Practice makes perfect. By now, you should be wondering where to start. Overthrow things! Infiltrate systems! It's all good. You've got the freedom to "It's not lawbreaking if you don't know it's against the law.." and "It's only against the law when you get caught." As long as you cover your tracks well enough, you're fucking untouchable. As long as you keep in mind that your being flagged is a sign that you should be able to figure out HOW untouchable you are, and that we WANT you to inherit this country and turn it around.. we WANT you to fix the inner workings of this malfunctioning beast of burden we call a SYSTEM.. We want you to tear it down. Do it from the inside. Do it with or without our help. Do it in times of war and times of peace. Do it together. Build a new throne. Declare that only justice can sit on it. Can you think up a better one? You can declare an autonomous zone. You can live out of the boundaries of the US government. You can do it while remaining protected BY the US government. Does this give you hope? What's hope? We hope you believe in yourself enough to make up your own Zone 9 test and pass it. That's what your mission is, whether or not you accept it. You're playing this role whether you like it or not. You're given this responsibility because of choices you made that you no longer have the ability to cover up. From this point forward, you have the opportunity to be completely free. The blue pill, or the red pill? It *doesn't make any difference*. How you play your role is the only thing beyond our control. If you make the decision to help us rip the system by helping wake up the public so that they know IF IT WASN'T FOR HACKERS, WE WOULDN'T HAVE SECURITY. It's about time someone took credit. Right now is the ripest time for change. All you need is the volition to fucking DO IT, the wisdom to DO IT IN PUBLIC AND GET AWAY WITH IT, and the cleverness to pull it all off while we applaud you as witnesses in disguise. We can't do it for you. In a democracy, the change has to be brought about by the people. But our people are failing us, so you should do something about it. It's illegal for us to interfere with them directly, unless they break the law. But you can do whatever you want, within the confines of the law in public (and outside of the confines of the law if you can get away with it), you get the protection of copyright law if you choose it, and you could even make a living while doing it! All while entertaining people, or even making them start to think! This isn't a fucking prank. We WANT YOU OUT THERE, CHANGING THE FACE OF POLITICS. Have fun doing research. Don't ask us to help you. Maybe you could volunteer to work as a consultant to us, if you could really be of use to us-and we could share our resources to hunt down the real terrorists-but that invitation is not the agenda here. The agenda is, we want you to do the work of the problem solver. The problem is, our bureaucracy SUCKS. Maybe you can do something to change it. You're invited. You don't have to be an aristocrat or born into aristocracy to infiltrate the mold. Surely you're creative enough to work from outside of it. Surely you've already had something in mind before once in your life. Maybe you're already at the roots of something you could feel was going to grow big. The alienated kids of our nation are desperate for a legitimate voice in action, and right now the only heroes they have are superstars and cartoon characters. Some of them have enough guidance to develop real role models, like the brave men and women who have devoted their lives to serving the people, to the exploration of science, and even their own family. In 50 years, they'll be the ones governing you. It's up to YOU to make sure we're not dead by then, dead from ignorance, dead from lack of motivation, dead from our own escalating disproportionate use of resources. What more do I have to tell you? You're supposed to be asking questions, looking for answers, insatiable, isn't that why you landed this role? You have a chance to get the recognition you deserve, for being a leftover of society, an outright outcast. You have it all in your head. Now it's up to you to decide what your Zone 9 test is. We cannot determine your Zone 9 test. You determine your Zone 9 test. You plan it out, you execute it, and you keep it to your self. When asked about the Zone 9 test, your answer is completely irrelevant, but pay close attention to the person asking the question. Everyone who finds out about the Zone 9 test completes it. So think very carefully about what your agenda becomes, and how it fits into the great sphere of things. If you want fuel, and this book isn't a good enough example for you, then try this: Make up as much misinformation about the Zone 9 test as you want. If you do it well enough, other people will take it seriously, and beg for more. If you draw the right kind of attention to it, the government may even play a part in either discounting or proving its existence. It makes no difference, because it's part of the controversy game. The purpose of this book is to tell you that you should command your own security. The hidden agenda of this book is to tell you to read between the lines of everything. The motivation of this book is to tell you that it doesn't matter WTF we tell you, it's what YOU DO that ultimately changes things. So. Dream big. Your sign has come.